The Model-Based Systems Engineering is the most effective method to boost clarity and decision-making for complex marine engineering systems. Copy the engineering process used by the forerunners of complex systems – aerospace and automotive industries!


The increasing complexity of marine engineering systems, such as propulsion systems, makes system integration more challenging. Modelling and simulating the entire system provides more comprehensive insights compared to simulating individual components separately. For example, isolating the simulation of distinct parts within a complex system entails overlooking potential effects arising from their mutual interactions. In numerous applications, the significance of these interactions cannot be disregarded due to robust dependencies between the system’s constituent parts. We use Modelica, the industry standard language to model complex systems.

According to the famous theory called “rule of tens, the cost of a change increases tenfold at each step of the product development process. Late changes are therefore up to 1000 times more expensive than early changes. Our Model-Based Systems Engineering methods allow you to  start gaining knowledge immediately, even before touching CAD.

Understanding system reliability, cost of ownership, maintenance, and warranty claims is becoming more relevant to customers and manufacturers. Thanks to our model-based reliability engineering methods and experience, you will not only gain an understanding of these matters, but turn them into a framework that supports your company’s continuous improvement processes.